News: See What's Inside the HoloLens Development Edition

See What's Inside the HoloLens Development Edition

Microsoft began shipping the Development Edition of its much-anticipated HoloLens—the world's first untethered holographic computer—back in March. As the name implies, it was only available to developers (we got ours near the end of April), but Microsoft has recently opened up the program to anyone who wants one—not just developers.

In order to get one, you still have to pay the whopping $3,000, and you have to have a Microsoft account and live in the US or Canada. That's it. Before you go out and splurge on one of these bad boys, check out what's in the box so you know what you'll be getting:

There's a charger, a carrying case, a Bluetooth clicker, and the HoloLens. It really goes to show how much this headset can do on its own. All the tools that developers (and even non-developers) need are included, with no need to connect it to another computer.

Image via Microsoft

HoloLens runs Windows 10, which already has the necessary APIs to display holograms built in. This means developers will be able get started tinkering with HoloLens right out of the box.

It's a safe bet that most of you will unbox the HoloLens and pop it on right away to see what it can actually do. There are plenty of cool features to test out, like Gaze, Voice Input, Air Tapping, and Spatial Sound, to name a few. There are also a couple of interesting-looking games included with the HoloLens that should be fun to take for a spin.

For a better look at what's inside the HoloLens box, see our unboxing.

Just updated your iPhone? You'll find new features for Podcasts, News, Books, and TV, as well as important security improvements and fresh wallpapers. Find out what's new and changed on your iPhone with the iOS 17.5 update.

Cover image via Microsoft

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