News: Netflix Sets Its Sights on the HoloLens with New Developer Job Listing

Netflix Sets Its Sights on the HoloLens with New Developer Job Listing

Alright, fellow HoloLens code wranglers, load up your word processor because it's time to spruce up your résumés. According to a report by Variety, Netflix is looking to hire a new Senior Software Engineer — and Windows and HoloLens were mentioned as an end point.

Netflix is the leading video streaming service globally, and the Netflix Windows application is one of the most widely used apps in the Windows Store. Our mission is to provide a great experience to all Windows app users in a variety of devices, from desktop/laptop, to tablets and phones, as well as HoloLens and VR devices. We are constantly focused on enhancing our consumer experience around the world by building out new product features and improving performance.

A spokesperson for Netflix told Variety that they have plans to "support [augmented and virtual reality] in a basic way down the road," which, of course, excludes the already supported Samsung Gear VR and Google Cardboard. Netflix is pretty much in "wait and see mode," as so many are with AR and VR at this point.

Everyone seems to be waiting on a few heavyweights to enter the ring and see if the consumers jump on those offerings before they want to spend the money on supporting the current generation of devices. And, of course, that puts all of us developers in that "wait and see mode" as well. Though we do tend to be a bit more on the proactive side.

Actually, the HoloLens can already run Netflix via Microsoft Edge as Miguel Susffalich demonstrates here.

It should be noted that since the Variety article was posted, the Netflix job listing has been changed. It is exactly as it was before with the words "as well as HoloLens and VR devices" removed. Maybe it was worded poorly or maybe Netflix did not like that attention. Either way, it seems they either changed their mind or do not want that information out in the open.

Would you watch Netflix on your HoloLens? Let us know in the comments below.

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Cover image via Miguel Susffalich/YouTube

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