News: HoloStudy Teaches Science in 3D Using the HoloLens

HoloStudy Teaches Science in 3D Using the HoloLens

Humans learn best by doing or through an experience, and so the holographic environments provided in virtual and mixed reality are ripe with educational opportunities. HoloStudy took this to heart and created an educational science app that teaches you with animated models you can explore in your own space.

It might not seem like much at first, but think about what you're watching in the video above. You can find physical models of the earth, either showing just the surface or peering inside towards the core, but nothing that animates and changes. HoloStudy makes use of the HoloLens' ability to provide imagery that changes and grows so you can see what's being taught through more comprehensive, deep imagery.

In the full version of the app, you'll be able to learn about geology, physics, chemistry, and biology, but in the demo currently available on the Windows Store, you can only watch the geology lesson. Holo Group still has work to do on the app and the full version will arrive in the future, but for now they've got one lesson and are soliciting feedback through their website.

If you've got a HoloLens, download it for free. Otherwise, you can get much of the experience in 2D through the video above.

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Cover image by HoloGroup/YouTube

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