News: Arvizio Adds LiDAR Point Cloud Support to MR Studio

Arvizio Adds LiDAR Point Cloud Support to MR Studio

Mixed reality developer Arvizio has updated its MR Studio software suite to integrate processing of 3D light detection and ranging (LiDAR) point clouds.

The new capability makes the enterprise collaboration software for Microsoft HoloLens an attractive solution for architecture, engineering, and construction functions, as well as mining, oil, and gas industries. These industries typically use LiDAR point clouds to construct 3D models sites spanning several square miles.

LiDAR point clouds encompass billions of data points, which HoloLens cannot process on its own. Arvizio developed an advanced spatial processing engine (ASPEN) to enable MR Studio to render complex models with automatic level of detail.

MR Studio can now render LiDAR point clouds, like this 3D model of the City of Ottawa. Image via Arvizio

"The challenge facing many industries in their quest to adopt mixed reality is the ability to view and share highly complex 3D models. Arvizio has created powerful algorithms to rapidly process and display complex models on HoloLens and other mixed reality devices. Our LOD-based data handling assures that the user is able to navigate with ease throughout the entire model, regardless of the model's size and complexity," said Borys Vorobyov, Arvizio's CTO, in a statement.

Introduced earlier this year, MR Studio enables organizations to collaborate through HoloLens, with multiple users able to interact with the same 3D content in mixed reality. The software also allows for conferencing via mobile devices, where remote users can chose between the various HoloLens views.

According to a company spokeswoman, interest from customers has been vigorous. Arvizio is working with several companies in AEC, healthcare, and training/education industries, most of which learned of MR Studio from demonstrations at Augmented World Expo 2017.

MR Studio allows HoloLens users to collaborate in mixed reality and remote users to follow along. Image via Arvizio

Based on initial feedback, companies working with MR Studio are most enthusiastic about its capabilities in displaying large complex models, integrating with IoT sensor data, and enabling real-time collaboration across locations.

Next on the Arvizio's roadmap is MR Studio ViewPoint, a lower cost and simpler alternative to Microsoft Spectator View for recording mixed reality scenes and sharing them with others. The company will demonstrate the software at their exhibit for Mobile World Congress Americas, which will be held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco on Sept. 12–14.

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Cover image via Arvizio

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